G Fredo Sentenced - The rapper was arrested in dubai late last year, with authorities charging him with possession of. G fredo faces up to 40 years in prison, six years of supervised release and a fine of $1. 2 million if he is sentenced to the fullest extent of the law. Michael brandao, a/k/a “g fredo,” and “frizzblock fredo,” 22, was sentenced by u. s. District court judge leo t. Kal received a sentence of 110 months (9 years) in prison, while g fredo and hamma thang were sentenced to 108 and 114 months, respectively. As fans eagerly await. Among the 31 arrested nob members in june 2025, hsm rappers, 7981 kal, g fredo, and hamma thang have been convicted. We have some recent breaking news coming from uk rapper fredo. The london, england will be in prison for five years in dubai for drug possession. Interestingly, this is not. Michael brandao, a/k/a “g fredo,” and “frizzblock fredo,” 22, was sentenced by u. s. District court judge leo t. Sorokin to nine years in prison and three years of supervised release. Michael brandao, a/k/a “g fredo,” and “frizzblock fredo,” 22, was sentenced by a u. s. District court judge in boston wednesday to nine years in prison and three years of. Michael brandao, a/k/a “g fredo,” and “frizzblock fredo,” 21, pleaded guilty to rico conspiracy and conspiracy to distribute and to possess with intent to distribute controlled substances. As far as i’m aware sentencing won’t be done until at least next month but if that’s true then that’s a huge w for fredo Michael brandao, a/k/a “g fredo,” and “frizzblock fredo,” 22, was sentenced by u. s. District court judge leo t. Sorokin to nine years in prison and three years of supervised release.
The rapper was arrested in dubai late last year, with authorities charging him with possession of. G fredo faces up to 40 years in prison, six years of supervised release and a fine of $1. 2 million if he is sentenced to the fullest extent of the law. Michael brandao, a/k/a “g fredo,” and “frizzblock fredo,” 22, was sentenced by u. s. District court judge leo t. Kal received a sentence of 110 months (9 years) in prison, while g fredo and hamma thang were sentenced to 108 and 114 months, respectively. As fans eagerly await. Among the 31 arrested nob members in june 2025, hsm rappers, 7981 kal, g fredo, and hamma thang have been convicted. We have some recent breaking news coming from uk rapper fredo. The london, england will be in prison for five years in dubai for drug possession. Interestingly, this is not. Michael brandao, a/k/a “g fredo,” and “frizzblock fredo,” 22, was sentenced by u. s. District court judge leo t. Sorokin to nine years in prison and three years of supervised release. Michael brandao, a/k/a “g fredo,” and “frizzblock fredo,” 22, was sentenced by a u. s. District court judge in boston wednesday to nine years in prison and three years of.